Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I set up my Email Account?
A: It’s easy! Simply follow our email setup instructions.
Q. Does my website need to be mobile?
A: Yes! And here’s why.
Q: What is SEO and why do I need it?
A: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. These are the elements on your website which assists in search engines (such as Google) finding you. These elements include key words, updated information, blogs, mobile friendly website, etc. SEO is one of the most important aspects of your website.
Q: What is Adwords and how can I use them?
A: Adwords is Googles paid advertising service. Adwords are the ads you see down the right hand side of the screen when you complete a search through Google. There are many different factors you need to take into account when creating and adwords campaign to ensure you are reaching the right market and also getting value for your dollar.
Q: Can I use any images I find on the internet for my website?
A: No and Yes. No if you are merely Googling images and copying and pasting them. There are copywright issues for this. Yes if you have subscribed to a database of images and you have paid for use of the image. Alternatively if you contact the owner of the image/photograph and they have given you written permission to use that particular image. Otherwise just get in touch with one of our graphic designers and we can help you out.
Q: Can I use content from other people’s website for my own website?
A: You can use the information from peoples websites and blogs but not word-for-word content (unless of course it’s a quote). Google does not like copycats and if a website is seen as plagiarising it will be thrown down the bottom of the ranking ladder. If you copy and paste content into the search bar of Google you will find it will take to the exact source/website where it came from. Unfortunately there are no short cuts with original content except hiring a copywriter.
Q: Should I put an ad in a magazine?
A: How you advertise depends on the market you are trying to reach and what you are trying to achieve with your advertisement. Creating a successful marketing campaign is a lot more involved than just putting an ad in the local paper. Advertising is not cheap and you want to make sure your money is being well spent and you get results.
Q: How do I set up an email campaign?
A: Email campaigns or ‘eNewsletters’ are a good way to keep in touch with your clients and pass on any news or promotions. There are several programs you can use to create and send your email campaigns. Make sure your message is clear, any links that you have referred to are correct, your images and content are original and that you have an ‘un-subscribe’ option on the email.