How can your marketing get lucky?
In tribute to St Patrick’s Day we thought we would take a look at some very simple tricks of the trade that can help you get lucky – well, your business anyway. So grab that green shamrock and let’s see how we can find that pot of marketing gold!
1) Increase your on-line presence: Yes, this is stating the obvious but you need to have an on-line presence in order for anyone to take your business seriously. A website is essential for many reasons: branding your business, showcasing your business, contact details for your business and marketing your business. And yes, you will need a social media platform also.
2) Keep your on-line content updated: Having updated content is the equivalent of receiving a Gold Star from Google and other search engines. Consistently updating your content on your website and social media will not only improve your websites SEO (and help people actually to find your website), but it is a fantastic marketing tool when it comes to promoting your actual services. People engage more with businesses who look like they are still in business and actually maintain their website and social media.
3) Keep your brand consistent: If you changed your company logo 6 months ago on your website then you need to have all of your other material re-designed to follow suit. If your Facebook page looks completely different to your website or if your business card has an old logo on it, fix it. You want your brand to be identifiable and consistent to your new and potential customers because after all, branding is how you are representing and marketing your business.
4) Keep your existing customers in the loop: Yes we all need new customers but don’t spend ALL of your marketing budget on trying to get new customers and potentially neglecting your existing ones. Customers/clients who have had a good and rewarding experience with your company are the best possible marketing tools you can have – word-of-mouth. If your existing/historical customers are enveloped with a sense of pride and loyalty by being affiliated with your brand then you can guarantee they will shout it from the roof-tops whenever they get a chance to refer a friend or colleague to your business. Happy customers who receive affirmations on the choice they made by using your business are little pots of gold when it comes to referrals. They are also more than likely to become repeat customers. So make sure you send out regular email updates on any promotions you may be having but also, add a personal touch by taking the time to send an individual email, give them a call or even pop a card in the mail with a 10% discount voucher in the mail just to say ‘Thank You” for spending their money on your business. Make them feel special!
5) Give away stuff! Now, we’re not suggesting you give away $1000’s of dollars worth of merchandise every week but once in a while it’s good to get those freebie juices flowing and ‘reward’ your customers/social media followers/etc with something for nothing. Obviously you need to structure your campaign so you do inadvertently receive something in the form of marketing and publicity. For example: Use your social media and get followers to comment on a post for their chance to win. It doesn’t have to be a big budget prize – people will happily spend their spare time ‘liking and sharing’ if there is a tiny chance they might get something for free. And then hopefully they will tell all of their friends about your amazing business. One thing to keep in mind that social media is a fantastic platform for promotions but you ultimately want to use any chance you can to drive people to your website as that is the ‘business’ end of your company.
So there you have it. You don’t need a big dollar budget to help get your marketing moving but you do need time, consistency and a clear goal in mind on what you are trying to achieve. If you would like to speak with one of our team about ways in which we can help, give us a call today and To Be Sure, To Be Sure, we’ll give your marketing that lucky strike it deserves.